Manufacture of machinery for the transformation of paper, tissue and non-woven fabric.


In the world of industrial production, efficiency and precision are essential. For this reason, at Splines we have been developing machinery for the paper, tissue and non-woven fabric processing sector for more than 10 years. An often overlooked sector that plays a fundamental role in a wide variety of industries from the manufacture of personal hygiene products to the production of essential elements in the field of agriculture.

Fabrication process

The manufacturing process of machinery for the transformation of paper, tissue and nonwoven fabric is complex and highly specialized. At Splines we work every day to offer the solutions on the market that best meet your needs. To do this, an entire manufacturing process is carried out that we can summarize in the following phases:

  • Design and planning: Our team of engineers and designers work closely to develop machinery based on customer requirements and the characteristics of the materials to be processed.
  • Development: Once the team of engineers and designers establish the concepts and specifications of the machinery or equipment, they move on to the development phase. In this phase, detailed models of the machinery are created and tests are carried out to ensure its functionality and efficiency. In addition, the machinery goes through strict controls that ensure compliance with quality regulations.
  • Manufacturing: With the final designs approved, the construction and manufacturing of the machinery begins. This process involves the selection and acquisition of high quality materials and components, as well as the manufacturing of the different parts and assembly of the machinery as a whole.
  • Testing and adjustments: Before delivery to the customer, the machinery undergoes rigorous testing and adjustments to ensure proper operation. This includes performance testing, safety testing and final adjustments to optimize machinery performance and precision.
  • Delivery and installation: Once the tests are completed, the machinery is delivered to the client and installed at their workstations. Training tasks are carried out for staff on their use and maintenance.
  • After-sales service: After installation, we offer after-sales service, which is based on ensuring that these solutions are durable through repair and maintenance service or the provision of replacement parts.

Applications and markets

At Splines we offer complete lines or machinery for handling paper, tissue and non-woven fabric that are used in a wide variety of industries and applications, including:

  • Food, restaurant and hospitality industry in the production of napkins or tablecloths, among others.
  • Home and cleaning industry with the manufacture of machinery for the production of cleaning cloths or cloths.
  • Medical and cosmetic industry for the production of personal hygiene products such as makeup remover wipes and hair removal strips, or disposable medical products such as stretcher or sheet protectors.
  • Agriculture sector highlighting the production of thermal blanket rolls.

The future of the industry

As in the rest of the sectors, the manufacture of machinery for the transformation of paper, tissue and nonwoven fabric is not static. Our sector is constantly evolving, generally driven by innovation and market demands. We are always looking for ways to improve efficiency, reduce costs and minimize the impact on the environment. In this way, we move towards a production that, in addition to seeking efficiency in the sector, guarantees sustainability and the transition towards more ecological practices.

Splines, solutions and technological projects that adapt to your needs

The manufacturing process of machinery for converting paper, tissue and nonwovens is a complex process that requires a combination of technical skills, engineering experience and attention to detail to produce high-quality, high-performance equipment. At Spliner we have the best professionals and more than 10 years of experience providing solutions that more than satisfy the demands and needs demanded by our clients and the market.

If you need to receive more information, you can do so by filling out our contact form and our team of professionals will contact you.


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